
I was the Web and Graphic Designer for Inflexions, from 2009-2018. Inflexions is an open-acess journal for research-creation and member of Open Humanities Press. This experimental online journal is sponsored by the SenseLab (now retired - 3e), and a part of Immediations, a recipient of 7-year a SSHRC partnership grant. My contributions to this journal directly contributed to our successful application to this grant, in 2013. As part of this grant, my role expanded from strictly webdesign for the journal, to an Artist in Residence, and the development of a Digital Anarchiving practice.

The highly experimental design of this journal has gone through an arch of many technological changes, first initiated during the height of Flash creativity, the birth and then ubiquity of mobile device viewing, through to HTML5 coding standardization.  It has actively engaged new techniques for viewing and experiencing works online, as an extension of the conceptual content of each journal Issue.  This work and design process, became the subject of my  interdisciplinary MA thesis, at Concordia University.

Inflexions is an open-acess journal for research-creation sponsored by the Sense Lab. It publishes articles, short texts of various genres including poetry and ficto-theory, images, sound, and other multimedia content. We invite writing and/or other forms of expression actively exploring such issues as: (inter/trans/non) disciplinarity; the emergence of new modes of collaboration; micropolitics and the life and death of institutions; creativity, subjectivity and collectivity in cultural production; the ethics of aesthetics; the aesthetic as ethics. The goal is to promote experimental practices combining research and creation in such a way as to foster symbiotic links between philosophical inquiry, technological innovation, artistic production, and social and political engagement. Of continuing concern will be how these efforts may renew and recast relations between the concrete and the abstract, perception and conception, the body and technology. We hope the journal will become a tool for thinkers, builders, artists, informal groupings, and institutions to develop a mutually sustaining and enriching dialogue around these issues.

We encourage inter/trans/non disciplinary work, both individual and collaborative, that is not content to critique or negate existing models but affirms the value of creation in the research process. We also encourage authors to embrace the technical possibilities of the Web, and to test the limits of of academic writing, by considering integrating their writing with other forms of expression.

Inflexions 1-10: Past Issue Screen Shots


No.10 Modes of Exhaustion | edited by Érik Bordeleau, Christoph Brunner, Halbe Kuipers, Nguyen Nam Chi, Toni Pape (Oct 2017)
No.9 F(r)ictions | edited by Hubert Gendron-Blais, Diego Gil, Joel E. Mason
No. 8
Radical Pedagogies | edited by Gerko Egert, Ilona Hongisto, Michael Hornblow, Katve-Kaisa Kontturi, Mayra Morales, Ronald Rose-Antoinette, Adam Szymanski
No. 7 Animating Biophilosophy | edited by A.J. Nocek, Phillip Thurtle, Marie-Pier Boucher and Adam Szymanski
Into the Midst *
(out of series issue of Inflexions) | a collaboration between Erin Manning and Leslie Plumb
No. 6
Arakawa and Gins, a special issue of Inflexions
edited by Jondi Keane & Trish Glazebrook
No. 5 Gilbert Simondon |
edited by Marie-Pierre Boucher, Patrick Harrop and Troy Rhoades
No. 4 Transversal Fields of Experience
Christoph Brunner, Troy Rhoades, Bianca Scliar, and Janita Wiersma
No. 3 Micropolitics: Exploring Ethico-Aesthetics
|edited by Nasrin Himada, Erin Manning and Leslie Plumb
No. 2 Rhythmic Nexus
the Felt Togetherness of Movement and Thought |edited by Stamatia Portonova, Bianca Scliar and Natasha Prévost
No. 1 How is Research Creation |
edited by Alanna Thain, Christoph Brunner and Natasha Prévost



Web Design and admin from 2013-2019 - including wordpress theme changes, updates and maintenance, content re-organization, layouts and event documentation.

Based in Montreal, the SenseLab is an international network of artists and academics, writers and makers, from a wide diversity of fields, working together at the crossroads of philosophy, art, and activism. Participants are held together by affinity rather than by any structure of membership or institutional hierarchy. The SenseLab's event-based projects are collectively self-organizing. Their aim is to experiment with creative techniques for thought in the act. The SenseLab's product is its process, which is meant to disseminate. The measure of success is the creative momentum that spins off into individual and group practices elsewhere, to seed new processes asserting their own autonomy. The SenseLab makes no claim to ownership, operating as much as possible on the principle of a gift economy.


Web Designa and admin from 2012-2015. After setting up hosting, installing wordpress, and establishing the overall layout and graphic design of the sites's first launch, ongoing updates were handed over to the full time staff.
 Pepetiàn is a South Bronx-based organization dedicated to creating, producing and supporting contemporary multi-disciplinary art by Latino and Bronx-based artists.


Webpage installed and content curated, for artist's future use and maintenance. This is a portfolio site for Erin Manning -an artist, writer, teacher and dancer- who holds a research chair at Concordia University (QC) and is the director of SenseLab.  Because of her need to update  independently of a webdesigner (on occasion), SquareSpace templates were used in its consturction. Their content-management system provides a highly user-friendly interface from which she can add and modify her own content, while still relying my overall organization and graphic design for her dense and multidisciplinary span of work.

www.merouanmekour.com *

Custom website, artwork and content curated, as CV and portfolio site for York University professor. *this website has since been decomission


I was the webmaster for Filmstransit International from 2010-2013. I handled all major development, content additions and trouble-shooting issues related to the content management system Joomla. The layout and design of the site was done by a third party.

Films Transit International is one of the longest running, renowned and respected international sales agencies of quality documentaries with offices in Montréal and in New York. I was hired to take over its coding and development, and integrate better design solutions to the template used by the former designer.  A new layout and graphic design will be integrated in the very near future.